Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sizing Graphpad Plots

In order to generate plots that are always the same regardless if they appear in print alone or with other plots in the same figure you should build a layout.

My first post on Graphpad has my Preferences so the numbers here are based on those settings, but it might not matter.

First select the type of plot, import the data, and let it autogenerate the plot. Then go in and fine tune the details (labels, line type, legend position...). Start a new data table and import the next on and so forth.

First thing to know is that for multiple graph layouts each graph appears as 86% of the original size. Therefore for single graph layouts (yes create a layout for a single graph too because the sizing options are different) need to be resized to 86%. If you don't use my preferences make a horizontally spaced layout and put two graphs in it. Then double click on one to see the size in percent. By default it autoadjusts and tells the percentage. Different journals have different margins so you'll be figuring it out on your own more often than not.

This seems to work regardless of how you make and position axis labels, titles, legends. If they don't line up, there is an "align axis" option and it'll work fine. Also, don't forget the option Right Click equalize graph size.

IF you're using Word for the final document...there is a button to send directly to Word or Powerpoint. This works great(ish). For layouts with several figures, this couldn't be easier. 1 button click. For single graphs, Word enlarges them slightly so you have to fumble with the sizes to make all your plots consistent.

For LaTeX users, I would still bother with multigraph layouts. The subfigure package for LaTeX will do it for you, but if you don't get the graphs exactly the same size, it'll be finicky. The graphpad layouts are easier.

Either LaTeX or Word users, i'd suggest exporting the layouts to something else rather than using the auto send button for Word. Clearly, LaTeX users have to do this. Graphpad makes this easy by giving the option to just export only the graph and not the whole white page for pdf and eps. There are other options for other image types. I export to pdf and include \usepackage{subfigure} for LaTeX. For Word I build Layouts and export as either EMF or TIF. Resolutions can be changed if need be.

If you want to use the subfigure package in LaTeX, then I recommend exporting each figure individually and using the following settings:

Double click on the graph (not the layout graph)
Size: Wide
Frame: 3.13in wide X 2.09in high

click export, select format, and set
Size: Make width 4.24

That gets the whole figure neatly framed

in LaTeX
\includegraphics[width=3.13in, height=2.09in]{"figure file"}

That gives a nice side by side

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